(Image: Courtesy of EOnline)
So I love The Bachelor/The Bachelorette SO much! Its seriously one of my guilty pleasures, I have been watching since I was like ten years old and I just think its so entertaining. So I think I'm going to start doing recaps for Juan Pablo's season! So let me start with Juan Pablo, oh Juan Pablo, he is just so gorgeous, totally good looking, and I was so happy that he was the bachelor. But then I started following him on instagram...I still think he's an amazing father, and totes good looking, but I'm iffy about his personality. I don't know if we're seeing it all on TV(shocker right haha) I still really like him as the bachelor though!! So now on to week 2's episode!!!
So first up we have a date with Clare, I missed the first ten minutes of the episode, so when I turned on the episode it was already of them in the hot tub...
(Image: Courtesy of ABC)
So from week 1 I really liked Clare, and I still do. She seems way sweet and nice, if I can remember correctly she's the one that speaks Spanish, like one of the only ones!! So I like her because she can freaking speak his first language together!! I think that's important! Well I thought wow, first date and making out and straddling him on date one? That's a little much, but this is The Bachelor people!! These ladies have no time to waste!!! All around I like Clare, I think she will stick around.

(Image: Courtesy of TVFanatic)
Now on to date number two!! With Kat! He takes her on a private plane, and she thinks that she's actually going to go New York or Miami, (doesn't she realize those are really long flights and she's probably going somewhere a lot closer to LA) like UTAH!!!
(Image: Courtesy of ABC)
So they went to the Electricity Run here at Thanksgiving Point, this looks like such a fun date! At first I'm thinking how did I not hear about this run?! It looks SO cool and I would have loved to go! She has such a good energy about it all, and I loved how they were together! It was really cute. I think she is really pretty and fun, I like her, but I do feel like the date didn't show her personality really so I still don't know about this one.

(Image: Courtesy of IB Times)
Now on to the group date...oh my the group date. I usually really don't like group dates, but this one was filled with drama, and I loveddd that! They all went to do a photo shoot for this charity to adopt dogs, I thought it was really cute and I liked the idea of it!

(Image: Courtesy of ABC)
They all got in costumes, and they got paired with dogs to take pictures. Some girls were in bikinis, while others were dressed like these two girls on the left. I thought they had really good attitudes about it. As the bald dog we have Kelly the dog lover, she probably got the worst one but she had a good attitude about it, and I liked that a lot!

(Image: Courtesy of ABC)
Here we have Juan Pablo consoling Andi. She was really stressed about kinda going nude for her picture, and that made me really like her. I lovedd her outfit, and especially the necklace. I really want one now. But I loved how Juan Pablo made her feel better, and he did so by telling her that he would be in the picture too(along with free spirit Lucy who I think is hilarious and fun) I thought Andi and Juan Pablo were really cute together and I really liked them together!

(Image: Courtesy of ABC)
So now I will start the subject of Victoria...she needs a whole subject, that girl. Lets start with her picture from the photo shoot, it will be a good preface for what goes down later that night. Straddling is all I have to say, and all you have to remember.

(Image: Courtesy of ABC)
After the photo shoot they go to some hotel rooftop for drinks and some pool party. So I understand why they have drinks, but these ladies should not be getting drunk if they are trying to find love. Granted, I know they get nervous and all, but I think Victoria is a little different. I don't think she was nervous, I think she just got out of hand. Went a little crazy!
This is Victoria during the night part of the date....She is obviously wasted.

(Image: Courtesy of The Heavy)
One of favorite and ridiculous quotes from her little interviews drunk:
"I'm going to straddle him everyday, Because that's what life's about...straddling people"
Remember how she straddled Juan Pablo during the photo shoot, she starts going off about it in her interview while plastered.. This girl, there are just no words. She also goes on to say that Juan Pablo is her boyfriend and blah blah blah. Somehow she starts freaking out and goes to the bathroom, locks her self in the stall and starts crying for the rest of the night. And its probably again because she's drunk. We have Renee come and try to see whats wrong, and I really like Renee, I think she is so sweet and really cares about everyone. I think she's great! Long story short, Victoria won't even listen to Juan Pablo, and then she tries to go home, but the producers don't let her because she's wasted. So they put her in a hotel room, the next morning Juan Pablo sends her home because he doesn't think she's suitable for a step mom! Good for you Juan Pablo, that was a good move!! Oh and Kelly got the rose from the group date, and she had this crazy droopy eye, I thought it was funny.
At the rose ceremony, we lose Chantel and Amy. I felt really bad for Chantel, because she seemed so sad. And I thought Amy was cute, but I didn't think she was a good fit for Juan Pablo!
So here are my favorites so far:
1. Andi
2. Cassandra
3. Renee
4. Nikki
If you got to end of this post, thanks so much for reading!! I really do appreciate it! Oh and on a side note, I say all these things in fun and games, I love this show, and I am sure all these girls are so amazing! And make sure to come back tomorrow for a great post and a giveaway!!

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